Title: Elvis, the Purple Gorilla

Claim: Highlander, General Series

Fandom: Highlander/Supernatural

Characters/Pairing: Methos, Sam, Dean

Prompt: #16 Purple

Word Count: 511

Rating: harmless

Author's Notes: written for crossovers100 and using the drabble prompt from a member of my list which included Methos and a purple gorilla.

7/100 now complete






The "house in Dallas" and neither a house nor exactly in Dallas. It was instead a gated suburb with golf course and properties with three acre lots.

The maid and gardner and their four children lived on the edge of Methos' property. They kept hte place immaculate and didn't ask questions. In return their children were in the school district of one of the best public schools in Dallas. They lived basically expense free--rent, utilites, phone, cable, internet, even two vehicles came as part of the job. Their actual salaries were little more than minimum wage if one figured a forty hour work week each but there were no expenses beyond groceries. And very few hours honestly worked. So few that the husband took care of two neighboring properties for five times what he made working for Methos.

"So how are we related to them?" Sam asked after the Rodriguezes had left, both a bit flustered at their boss' "son" showing up unannounced.

Methos snorted. "I was married to Josefina in 1803. She was a widow with four little boys. Miguel died at the Alamo. Antonio at the battle of San Jacinto, neither had children to the best of my knowledge. Julio became a priest. Juan, the youngest is Elena's great-great-great-great-grandfather. And no I do not stalk my wives descendants. Elena reminded me so much of Josefina I researched her ancestry."

"What is that?" Dean stared at the rather ugly and almost-neon purple gorilla, sitting smack dab in the middle of the bed of one of the "guest rooms". Far as he could tell, they were all pretty much guest rooms. No one lived in the house.

"That is Elvis." Methos shook his head.

"Elvis?" Sam repeated.

"You grandmother and mother both loved Elvis Presley's music. Mary named the gorilla Elvis when she was six. I won it at the Ohio State Fair for her. Mary made me take Elvis with me, so I wouldn't be lonely."

Dean hesitantly reached out and touched the gorilla. "Yeah, can see mom doin' that." he said quietly.

Sam simply stared.

"We'll be here for a few days. There's some things of your grandmother's in the next room. The diaries are in that trunk there. Go through to your hearts content. Pick a room. I've got to go downstairs and deal with the emails from a couple law firms that handle the legacies for two other identities of mine." Methos smiled.

"We aren't going to be able to read the earliest ones." Sam pointed out, nodding to the three large trunks.

"They're written in English ain't they?" Dean frowned.

Sam rolled his eyes.

"I won't be long. Your grandmother and great-grandmother's diaries are on the top of that one. There. Most in that trunk you should be able to read fine, they're a bit jumbled but the oldest are in a vault in the basement until I can have them recopied."

"I'll take this one." Dean said quickly.

Sam shrugged. "Guess I'll take the one next to this."

Methos nodded. "I'll be back up in a while."